Thursday, 19 December 2019


Wow your software tells us that a random data file might be a TC file! It's what you can do with those volumes once you find them that really matters It's not magic nor does it do anything special. I appreciate your feedback. I never even realised GTA IV used encrypted files, just found that interesting that TChunt found them, but is there a free or if not free commercial product that is as easy to use as TChunt but will search for any encrypted. The application ignores completely the file extensions and relies entirely on a set of four attributes that are generally mark the presence of hidden data. tchunt 1.5

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The FAQ covers all of this and more. Thanks for trying TCHunt.

tchunt 1.5

However, using it to accuse tcuunt of having a TC container is not. Maybe you are only talking about creating a normal volume and giving it some strange name and thinking no one knows this is a true crypt volume?

tchunt 1.5

The reason I wrote TCHunt back in was to convince my friends to stop creating encrypted TC volumes and then trying to hide them by giving them fictitious file extensions and misleading names.

In my opinion Tcyunt is not snake oil, it's merely a simple and clearly defined utility. Aside from its demonstration purposes, I feel that TCHunt's most helpful real-world application will be to help various users relocate any "lost" TC container files that they may have misplaced or otherwise forgotten about. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.

I've place my TCHunt source code repository on github. It passed all the TCHunt checks.

Using it to find lost TC containers as you suggested is reasonable I think. The truth is, so what if your volume is found, can it be opened, because encryption is the name of the game we are really talking about, not anonymity.

TCHunt - Free download and software reviews - CNET

Jan 7, Posts: If you have these files on your computer, others who know what they are doing will be able to identify them. I never even realised GTA IV used encrypted files, just found that interesting that TChunt found them, but is there a free or if not tchutn commercial product that is as easy to use as TChunt but will search for any encrypted. Sep 21, Posts: The only way to tell if it is a GTA img file tcbunt to use it in the game and see if it works.

It is easy to use and the chance of false negatives is quite low, although this can happen under certain circumstances.

Index of /truecrypt/truecrypt-archive/obsolete_add-ons/TCHunt/

NoobJan 24, Granted many people will be concerned about anonymity, along with encryption, great, don't keep those volumes on your computer, store them away on a portable device somewhere. Jul 21, Posts: A professor or cryptanalyst could be called as an expert witness to put an end to that nonsense.

Maybe Grand Theft Auto img files have recognizable headers as well. Apr 9, Posts: I released the source code to demonstrate this. I appreciate your feedback. It's not magic nor does it do anything special. Make it 1. if you like: Well I presume it's copy protection related or maybe stops people hacking the levels. Jan 19, Posts: No, create an account now.

As such, some users may feel a bit reticent about working with it, although operating it is far from being a difficult task. Aug 7, Posts: Your username or email address: May 5, Posts: Nowhere does TCHunt claim to differentiate between random data and encrypted data.

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